Rolled in the luxurious Robusto Gordo format, featuring Davidoff's own Yamasá wrapper, the Davidoff of Geneva 25th provides a unique and complex taste experience, which can only come from extra-aged tobacco.
Davidoff stands for expertise and quality supported by deep heritage and craftsmanship to deliver unforgettable moments of pleasure. In 1988, Davidoff of Geneva was established to bring the world’s finest cigars to American soil. To honor this very important milestone, our Master Blenders drew on their stock of extra aged Dominican tobaccos to create a timeless cigar. Rolled in the luxurious Robusto Gordo format, featuring Davidoff's own Yamasá wrapper, the Davidoff of Geneva 25th provides a unique and complex taste experience, which can only come from extra-aged tobacco.
| Yamasa |
| Dominican |
| Dominican |