Referring to a humidor as merely a box is similar to saying that a quality cigar is nothing but a leaf wrapper with tobacco. The fact is that a properly maintained humidor enhances the experience of a cigar, while a poor quality box may actually destroy its intrinsic value.
Cigars are made from natural materials that grow in soil, and the quality of various brands rely mostly on how the smoker takes care of the products. Even the most superior cigar, made from the highest quality leaves and rolled by the most accomplished roller, turns sour if it does not receive proper care.
The main way to take care of a cigar is by incorporating a consistent method. Cigars are made from several layers of differing tobacco leaves. If a cigar rests in an overly humid atmosphere, the outer portion of the product dries out considerably. Yet, the inner part of the cigar stays moist. Consequently, the tobacco on the inside of the cigar swells, but the wrapper contracts and then splits wide open, which results in the destruction of the formerly precious cigar.
An excellent humidor needs to provide the cigar with a consistent tropical atmosphere that maintains a temperature of 70°F and a 70 percent humidity level. Additionally, a consistent level of humidity will create a more intense smoking experience that results in extra flavor because there is not as much heat when the cigar burns.
A cigar receives better maintenance when stored in a humidor that maintains a consistent state of humidity. Maintaining the correct level of humidity does not only refer to the number of times water is added to the basic humidification system. A consistent humidity level means that the humidor lid and hinges will still work perfectly in future decades. The smoker needs to make sure that the humidor is perfectly squared and has seams that fit. A good humidor never displays any evidence of glue or other construction materials. The joints should not have any gaps as these will permit the moisture to leave the humidor, which, in time, can cause warping.
The best type of wood to use in a good humidor is cedar because its natural oil improves the aging process of the cigar. The different types of tobacco within a cigar blend better when cedar wood is used in a humidor, and this offers a superior taste experience to the smoker. A humidor should never feature varnished wood because varnish can cause a cigar to have an unpleasant taste that is similar to that of linseed oil.
A humidor needs to have a solid and balanced lid that allows the entrance of a small amount of air. If air does not circulate inside of a humidor, the result is a musty smell, and this odor renders a cigar as relatively useless. Humidity is an essential factor that needs attention. Smokers can use humidifiers that operate with either chemical substances or sponges.
Another useful item to include in a good humidor is a multilevel tray for storage of cigars. This type of tray allows different amounts of humidity into the humidor. Smokers should keep dry cigars on the bottom layer of the humidor to permit a slow infusion of humidity, and then transport the cigars to the upper level. Digital hygrometers may not look as attractive as analog hygrometers, but the fact is that digital hygrometers offer a greater degree of accuracy.