A smoker can keep a record of opinions about different brands of cigars that they have previously smoked by creating a cigar dossier. People often try different brand lines and then forget that they have already smoked these cigars. A cigar dossier offers the smoker an easy way to remember previous brands. At first, people may end up writing down all the brand names of cigars that they have previously purchased.
One simple way to record all of the information is to keep the cigar bands. Each cigar band features important information for the cigar dossier. People who have recently discovered the pleasures of smoking flavorful cigars find that keeping cigar dossiers makes it easier for them to understand their own unique, personal preferences. Experienced cigar smokers also benefit from maintaining dossiers because they can refer to the recorded information before they rush out and buy new cigars that they may have already tried in the past.
After a few months of maintaining a cigar dossier, a person will observe whether the preference is toward mild or strong cigar flavors. The person may learn that a Madura wrapper is preferable after eating dinner accompanied by a tasty cappuccino. Keeping a cigar dossier helps an experienced or inexperienced smoker make wise purchases, and it provides information that the person can use to do research about other product lines. People eventually learn to recognize the various types and brands of cigars that they prefer to smoke.
A person can include the following information in a cigar dossier: the brand name, country of origin, size, price, name of vendor, color of the wrapper, the main characteristics, what types of foods and beverages go well with the cigar and a rating on a scale of one to 10. The smoker can also record any additional observations about each cigar.
A loose-leaf binder is perfect for a cigar dossier because one can add extra sheets of paper over time. A creative individual can also create and print several unique and colorful templates with the help of a computer and printer.