"I am the smoker of the fine Perdomo 10th Anniversary Champagne Torpedo cigar, they are a medium to mild smoke. I buy them at Online Cigar Shop & Golf in Shrub Oaks NY...."
This slim, regal Panetela Larga format was created back in 1968 by Zino Davidoff, and is well loved among cigar aficionados who appreciate a long, mild yet nevertheless aromatic smoke.
This slim, regal Panetela larga format was created back in 1968 by Zino Davidoff, and is well loved among cigar aficionados who appreciate a long, mild yet nevertheless aromatic smoke. This cigar, from the "Classic" series, stands out thanks to its well-balanced blend of tobaccos. To produce this unusually long and slender format is a demanding task for the cigar rollers. The head of the cigar bears an attractive pigtail.